The void HTML <input />
element defines the start of an input field where the user can enter data.
Attribute | Value | Description |
accept | list_of_mime_types | A comma-separated list of MIME types that indicates the MIME type of the file transfer. Only used with type="file" .
align | right left center |
Deprecated |
alt | text | Defines an alternate text for the image. Only used with type="image" .
autocomplete | on off |
If on browsers can store the form's input values, to auto-fill the form if the user returns to the page. If off browsers should not store this information.
autofocus | autofocus | Makes the input field focused on page load. Cannot be used with type="hidden" .
checked | checked | Indicates that the input element should be checked when it first loads. Used with type="checkbox" and type="radio" .
disabled | disabled | Disables the input element when it first loads so that the user can not write text in it, or select it. Cannot be used with type="hidden" .
form | formname | Defines one ore more forms the input field belongs to. |
formaction | URL | Overrides the form's action attribute. Must be a valid URL that defines where to send the data when the form is submitted. |
formenctype | application/x-www-form-urlencoded multipart/form-data text/plain |
Overrides the form's enctype attribute. Defines the MIME type used to encode the content of the form. |
formmethod | get post put delete |
Overrides the form's method attribute. Defines the HTTP method for sending data to the action URL. |
formnovalidate | true false |
Overrides the form's novalidate attribute. If true the input field should not be validated when submitted.
formtarget | _blank _self _parent _top |
Overrides the form's target attribute. Specifies where to open the target URL.
height | pixels % |
Defines the height of an input field. |
list | id of a datalist | Reference to a <datalist> element. If defined, a suggestion list should be displayed, with predefined options.
max | number | The input field's maximum value. Use together with the min attribute to create a range of legal values.
maxlength | number | Defines the maximum number of characters allowed in a text field. |
min | number | The input field's minimum value. Use together with the max attribute to create a range of legal values.
multiple | multiple | If present the user is allowed more than one value. |
name | fieldname | Defines a unique name for the input element. The name attribute is used to collect the fields value when submitted.
pattern | JavaScript Pattern | Defines a pattern or format for the input field's value. Example: pattern="[0-9]" means that the input value must be a number between 0 and 9 . Use the standard title attribute to describe the pattern.
placeholder | text | Defines a hint to help users fill out the input field. |
readonly | readonly | Indicates that the value of this field cannot be modified. |
required | required | Defines if the input field's value is required in order to submit the form. Cannot be used with type : hidden , image , button , submit , reset .
size | number of characters | Defines how many characters should be visible in the input field. |
src | URL | Defines the URL of the image to display. Use with type="image" .
step | number any |
Allowed when type=date , datetime , datetime-local , month , week , time , number , or range .
type | button checkbox color date datetime datetime-local file hidden image month number password radio range reset search submit tel text time url week |
Indicates the type of the input element. The default value is text . This is not a required attribute, but it should be included.
value | value | For buttons: Defines the text on the button. For image buttons: Defines the symbolic result of the field passed to a script. For checkboxes and radio buttons: Defines the result of the input element when clicked. The result is sent to the form's action URL. For hidden, password, and text fields: Defines the default value of the element. Cannot be used with type="file" . This attribute is required with type="checkbox" and type="radio" .
width | pixels % |
Defines the width of an input field. |
- Global Attributes
HTML example:
<input type="button" value="Click" />
That will produce a clickable button with "Click" labeled on it.